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<title>Order Info Section</title>
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<p>Order before <strong>12 noon</strong> for <strong>same day dispatch</strong>.</p>
<!-- Trusted by Premier League Goalkeepers -->
<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lion-with-crown-emerald-gem-vector-icon-illustration_706143-904.jpg?w=740" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>Trusted by Premier League goalkeepers</p>
<!-- EA Sports FC -->
<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://www.theoneglove.com/cdn/shop/t/44/assets/EA-FC_pdp.png?v=178429777584258848011714994453" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>As seen in <strong style="color: #00c100;">EA SPORTS FC™</strong>. Wear them in-game <span style="font-size: 18px;">🎮</span></p>
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<title>Order Info Section</title>
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max-width: 600px;
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<p>Order before <strong>12 noon</strong> for <strong>same day dispatch</strong>.</p>
<!-- Trusted by Premier League Goalkeepers -->
<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lion-with-crown-emerald-gem-vector-icon-illustration_706143-904.jpg?w=740" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>Trusted by Premier League goalkeepers</p>
<!-- EA Sports FC -->
<div class="white-icon">
<!-- Using filter to invert PNG color to white -->
<img src="https://www.theoneglove.com/cdn/shop/t/44/assets/EA-FC_pdp.png?v=178429777584258848011714994453" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>As seen in <strong style="color: #00c100;">EA SPORTS FC™</strong>. Wear them in-game <span style="font-size: 18px;">🎮</span></p>
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<title>Order Info Section</title>
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.order-info {
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
background-color: black;
color: white;
border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
padding: 20px;
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="white" width="24px" height="24px">
<path d="M20.75 16.25L17.5 16.25C17.5 15.01 16.49 14 15.25 14C14.01 14 13 15.01 13 16.25L11 16.25L9.5 12L6 12L6 7C6 5.9 5.1 5 4 5C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7L2 19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21C5.1 21 6 20.1 6 19L6 18L13 18L13 19.25C13 20.49 14.01 21.5 15.25 21.5C16.49 21.5 17.5 20.49 17.5 19.25L20.75 19.25C21.99 19.25 23 18.24 23 17C23 15.76 21.99 14.75 20.75 14.75L20.75 16.25ZM4 7C4.55 7 5 7.45 5 8C5 8.55 4.55 9 4 9C3.45 9 3 8.55 3 8C3 7.45 3.45 7 4 7ZM4 20C3.45 20 3 19.55 3 19C3 18.45 3.45 18 4 18C4.55 18 5 18.45 5 19C5 19.55 4.55 20 4 20ZM15.25 20C14.84 20 14.5 19.66 14.5 19.25C14.5 18.84 14.84 18.5 15.25 18.5C15.66 18.5 16 18.84 16 19.25C16 19.66 15.66 20 15.25 20ZM19.75 18.25L17.5 18.25C17.22 18.25 17 18.03 17 17.75L17 14.75C17 14.47 17.22 14.25 17.5 14.25L19.75 14.25C20.44 14.25 21 14.81 21 15.5C21 16.19 20.44 16.75 19.75 16.75L19.75 18.25ZM15.25 15C15.66 15 16 15.34 16 15.75C16 16.16 15.66 16.5 15.25 16.5C14.84 16.5 14.5 16.16 14.5 15.75C14.5 15.34 14.84 15 15.25 15ZM8.12 11L7 11L7 8L8.12 8L9.5 11ZM12 16L11 13L13 13L13 16ZM9 15L10.4 18L6 18L6 15L9 15ZM18.25 12L17.14 12C16.67 9.75 14.56 8 12 8L12 6.5C12 5.12 10.88 4 9.5 4C8.12 4 7 5.12 7 6.5L7 8C4.45 8 2.33 9.75 1.86 12L1 12L1 16L3 16L3 13.97C3.95 13.26 5.15 12.5 7 12.5L7 11C5.64 11 4.65 11.55 4.19 12.42L3 12.42L3 15L7 15C7 13.64 7.55 12.65 8.42 12.19L8.42 11L4 11L4 7L6 7L6 12L8.97 12L9.45 10.79C10.04 9.25 11.43 8 13 8L13 12L17.75 12C19.1 12 20 12.9 20 14.25C20 14.8 19.8 15.29 19.45 15.68L19.45 18L20.97 18C22.1 18 23 17.1 23 15.97C23 14.97 22.55 14.1 21.78 13.58L21.78 12L20.25 12L20.25 15.25C20.67 15.1 21 14.67 21 14.25C21 13.84 20.67 13.5 20.25 13.5L18.25 13.5C18.03 13.5 17.86 13.64 17.8 13.86C17.75 14.08 17.83 14.32 18 14.47C18.14 14.62 18.36 14.71 18.6 14.64C18.86 14.58 19 14.34 19 14.25L19 13.5L18.25 13.5L18.25 14.25L18.25 13.5L17.75 13.5C17.34 13.5 17 13.84 17 14.25L17 18C16.93 17.93 16.88 17.83 16.88 17.71C16.88 17.58 17.03 17.5 17.22 17.5L18.25 17.5L18.25 15.25C18.45 15.15 18.61 15 18.74 14.82C18.9 14.62 19 14.34 19 14.05C19 13.35 18.46 12.75 17.75 12.75L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12Z"></path>
<p>Order before <strong>12 noon</strong> for <strong>same day dispatch</strong>.</p>
<!-- Trusted by Premier League Goalkeepers -->
<div class="white-icon">
<!-- Replacing PNG with an SVG -->
<img src="https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lion-with-crown-emerald-gem-vector-icon-illustration_706143-904.jpg?w=740" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>Trusted by Premier League goalkeepers</p>
<!-- EA Sports FC -->
<div class="white-icon">
<!-- Using filter to invert PNG color to white -->
<img src="https://www.theoneglove.com/cdn/shop/t/44/assets/EA-FC_pdp.png?v=178429777584258848011714994453" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>As seen in <strong style="color: #00c100;">EA SPORTS FC™</strong>. Wear them in-game <span style="font-size: 18px;">🎮</span></p>
</html><!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Order Info Section</title>
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.order-info {
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
background-color: black;
color: white;
border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
padding: 20px;
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fill: white;
<div class="order-info">
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="white" width="24px" height="24px">
<path d="M20.75 16.25L17.5 16.25C17.5 15.01 16.49 14 15.25 14C14.01 14 13 15.01 13 16.25L11 16.25L9.5 12L6 12L6 7C6 5.9 5.1 5 4 5C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7L2 19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21C5.1 21 6 20.1 6 19L6 18L13 18L13 19.25C13 20.49 14.01 21.5 15.25 21.5C16.49 21.5 17.5 20.49 17.5 19.25L20.75 19.25C21.99 19.25 23 18.24 23 17C23 15.76 21.99 14.75 20.75 14.75L20.75 16.25ZM4 7C4.55 7 5 7.45 5 8C5 8.55 4.55 9 4 9C3.45 9 3 8.55 3 8C3 7.45 3.45 7 4 7ZM4 20C3.45 20 3 19.55 3 19C3 18.45 3.45 18 4 18C4.55 18 5 18.45 5 19C5 19.55 4.55 20 4 20ZM15.25 20C14.84 20 14.5 19.66 14.5 19.25C14.5 18.84 14.84 18.5 15.25 18.5C15.66 18.5 16 18.84 16 19.25C16 19.66 15.66 20 15.25 20ZM19.75 18.25L17.5 18.25C17.22 18.25 17 18.03 17 17.75L17 14.75C17 14.47 17.22 14.25 17.5 14.25L19.75 14.25C20.44 14.25 21 14.81 21 15.5C21 16.19 20.44 16.75 19.75 16.75L19.75 18.25ZM15.25 15C15.66 15 16 15.34 16 15.75C16 16.16 15.66 16.5 15.25 16.5C14.84 16.5 14.5 16.16 14.5 15.75C14.5 15.34 14.84 15 15.25 15ZM8.12 11L7 11L7 8L8.12 8L9.5 11ZM12 16L11 13L13 13L13 16ZM9 15L10.4 18L6 18L6 15L9 15ZM18.25 12L17.14 12C16.67 9.75 14.56 8 12 8L12 6.5C12 5.12 10.88 4 9.5 4C8.12 4 7 5.12 7 6.5L7 8C4.45 8 2.33 9.75 1.86 12L1 12L1 16L3 16L3 13.97C3.95 13.26 5.15 12.5 7 12.5L7 11C5.64 11 4.65 11.55 4.19 12.42L3 12.42L3 15L7 15C7 13.64 7.55 12.65 8.42 12.19L8.42 11L4 11L4 7L6 7L6 12L8.97 12L9.45 10.79C10.04 9.25 11.43 8 13 8L13 12L17.75 12C19.1 12 20 12.9 20 14.25C20 14.8 19.8 15.29 19.45 15.68L19.45 18L20.97 18C22.1 18 23 17.1 23 15.97C23 14.97 22.55 14.1 21.78 13.58L21.78 12L20.25 12L20.25 15.25C20.67 15.1 21 14.67 21 14.25C21 13.84 20.67 13.5 20.25 13.5L18.25 13.5C18.03 13.5 17.86 13.64 17.8 13.86C17.75 14.08 17.83 14.32 18 14.47C18.14 14.62 18.36 14.71 18.6 14.64C18.86 14.58 19 14.34 19 14.25L19 13.5L18.25 13.5L18.25 14.25L18.25 13.5L17.75 13.5C17.34 13.5 17 13.84 17 14.25L17 18C16.93 17.93 16.88 17.83 16.88 17.71C16.88 17.58 17.03 17.5 17.22 17.5L18.25 17.5L18.25 15.25C18.45 15.15 18.61 15 18.74 14.82C18.9 14.62 19 14.34 19 14.05C19 13.35 18.46 12.75 17.75 12.75L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12Z"></path>
<p>Order before <strong>12 noon</strong> for <strong>same day dispatch</strong>.</p>
<!-- Trusted by Premier League Goalkeepers -->
<div class="white-icon">
<!-- Replacing PNG with an SVG -->
<img src="https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lion-with-crown-emerald-gem-vector-icon-illustration_706143-904.jpg?w=740" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>Trusted by Premier League goalkeepers</p>
<!-- EA Sports FC -->
<div class="white-icon">
<!-- Using filter to invert PNG color to white -->
<img src="https://www.theoneglove.com/cdn/shop/t/44/assets/EA-FC_pdp.png?v=178429777584258848011714994453" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>As seen in <strong style="color: #00c100;">EA SPORTS FC™</strong>. Wear them in-game <span style="font-size: 18px;">🎮</span></p>
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<title>Order Info Section</title>
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color: white;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
padding: 20px;
.order-info {
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
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<p>Order before <strong>12 noon</strong> for <strong>same day dispatch</strong>.</p>
<!-- Trusted by Premier League Goalkeepers -->
<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lion-with-crown-emerald-gem-vector-icon-illustration_706143-904.jpg?w=740" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>Trusted by Premier League goalkeepers</p>
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<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://www.theoneglove.com/cdn/shop/t/44/assets/EA-FC_pdp.png?v=178429777584258848011714994453" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>As seen in <strong style="color: #00c100;">EA SPORTS FC™</strong>. Wear them in-game <span style="font-size: 18px;">🎮</span></p>
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<title>Order Info Section</title>
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<p>Order before <strong>12 noon</strong> for <strong>same day dispatch</strong>.</p>
<!-- Trusted by Premier League Goalkeepers -->
<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lion-with-crown-emerald-gem-vector-icon-illustration_706143-904.jpg?w=740" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>Trusted by Premier League goalkeepers</p>
<!-- EA Sports FC -->
<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://www.theoneglove.com/cdn/shop/t/44/assets/EA-FC_pdp.png?v=178429777584258848011714994453" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>As seen in <strong style="color: #00c100;">EA SPORTS FC™</strong>. Wear them in-game <span style="font-size: 18px;">🎮</span></p>
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<title>Order Info Section</title>
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<path d="M20.75 16.25L17.5 16.25C17.5 15.01 16.49 14 15.25 14C14.01 14 13 15.01 13 16.25L11 16.25L9.5 12L6 12L6 7C6 5.9 5.1 5 4 5C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7L2 19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21C5.1 21 6 20.1 6 19L6 18L13 18L13 19.25C13 20.49 14.01 21.5 15.25 21.5C16.49 21.5 17.5 20.49 17.5 19.25L20.75 19.25C21.99 19.25 23 18.24 23 17C23 15.76 21.99 14.75 20.75 14.75L20.75 16.25ZM4 7C4.55 7 5 7.45 5 8C5 8.55 4.55 9 4 9C3.45 9 3 8.55 3 8C3 7.45 3.45 7 4 7ZM4 20C3.45 20 3 19.55 3 19C3 18.45 3.45 18 4 18C4.55 18 5 18.45 5 19C5 19.55 4.55 20 4 20ZM15.25 20C14.84 20 14.5 19.66 14.5 19.25C14.5 18.84 14.84 18.5 15.25 18.5C15.66 18.5 16 18.84 16 19.25C16 19.66 15.66 20 15.25 20ZM19.75 18.25L17.5 18.25C17.22 18.25 17 18.03 17 17.75L17 14.75C17 14.47 17.22 14.25 17.5 14.25L19.75 14.25C20.44 14.25 21 14.81 21 15.5C21 16.19 20.44 16.75 19.75 16.75L19.75 18.25ZM15.25 15C15.66 15 16 15.34 16 15.75C16 16.16 15.66 16.5 15.25 16.5C14.84 16.5 14.5 16.16 14.5 15.75C14.5 15.34 14.84 15 15.25 15ZM8.12 11L7 11L7 8L8.12 8L9.5 11ZM12 16L11 13L13 13L13 16ZM9 15L10.4 18L6 18L6 15L9 15ZM18.25 12L17.14 12C16.67 9.75 14.56 8 12 8L12 6.5C12 5.12 10.88 4 9.5 4C8.12 4 7 5.12 7 6.5L7 8C4.45 8 2.33 9.75 1.86 12L1 12L1 16L3 16L3 13.97C3.95 13.26 5.15 12.5 7 12.5L7 11C5.64 11 4.65 11.55 4.19 12.42L3 12.42L3 15L7 15C7 13.64 7.55 12.65 8.42 12.19L8.42 11L4 11L4 7L6 7L6 12L8.97 12L9.45 10.79C10.04 9.25 11.43 8 13 8L13 12L17.75 12C19.1 12 20 12.9 20 14.25C20 14.8 19.8 15.29 19.45 15.68L19.45 18L20.97 18C22.1 18 23 17.1 23 15.97C23 14.97 22.55 14.1 21.78 13.58L21.78 12L20.25 12L20.25 15.25C20.67 15.1 21 14.67 21 14.25C21 13.84 20.67 13.5 20.25 13.5L18.25 13.5C18.03 13.5 17.86 13.64 17.8 13.86C17.75 14.08 17.83 14.32 18 14.47C18.14 14.62 18.36 14.71 18.6 14.64C18.86 14.58 19 14.34 19 14.25L19 13.5L18.25 13.5L18.25 14.25L18.25 13.5L17.75 13.5C17.34 13.5 17 13.84 17 14.25L17 18C16.93 17.93 16.88 17.83 16.88 17.71C16.88 17.58 17.03 17.5 17.22 17.5L18.25 17.5L18.25 15.25C18.45 15.15 18.61 15 18.74 14.82C18.9 14.62 19 14.34 19 14.05C19 13.35 18.46 12.75 17.75 12.75L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12Z"></path>
<p>Order before <strong>12 noon</strong> for <strong>same day dispatch</strong>.</p>
<!-- Trusted by Premier League Goalkeepers -->
<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lion-with-crown-emerald-gem-vector-icon-illustration_706143-904.jpg?w=740" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>Trusted by Premier League goalkeepers</p>
<!-- EA Sports FC -->
<div class="white-icon">
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<img src="https://www.theoneglove.com/cdn/shop/t/44/assets/EA-FC_pdp.png?v=178429777584258848011714994453" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>As seen in <strong style="color: #00c100;">EA SPORTS FC™</strong>. Wear them in-game <span style="font-size: 18px;">🎮</span></p>
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<title>Order Info Section</title>
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.order-info {
max-width: 600px;
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background-color: black;
color: white;
border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
padding: 20px;
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filter: invert(1) brightness(100%);
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<div class="order-info">
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="white" width="24px" height="24px">
<path d="M20.75 16.25L17.5 16.25C17.5 15.01 16.49 14 15.25 14C14.01 14 13 15.01 13 16.25L11 16.25L9.5 12L6 12L6 7C6 5.9 5.1 5 4 5C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7L2 19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21C5.1 21 6 20.1 6 19L6 18L13 18L13 19.25C13 20.49 14.01 21.5 15.25 21.5C16.49 21.5 17.5 20.49 17.5 19.25L20.75 19.25C21.99 19.25 23 18.24 23 17C23 15.76 21.99 14.75 20.75 14.75L20.75 16.25ZM4 7C4.55 7 5 7.45 5 8C5 8.55 4.55 9 4 9C3.45 9 3 8.55 3 8C3 7.45 3.45 7 4 7ZM4 20C3.45 20 3 19.55 3 19C3 18.45 3.45 18 4 18C4.55 18 5 18.45 5 19C5 19.55 4.55 20 4 20ZM15.25 20C14.84 20 14.5 19.66 14.5 19.25C14.5 18.84 14.84 18.5 15.25 18.5C15.66 18.5 16 18.84 16 19.25C16 19.66 15.66 20 15.25 20ZM19.75 18.25L17.5 18.25C17.22 18.25 17 18.03 17 17.75L17 14.75C17 14.47 17.22 14.25 17.5 14.25L19.75 14.25C20.44 14.25 21 14.81 21 15.5C21 16.19 20.44 16.75 19.75 16.75L19.75 18.25ZM15.25 15C15.66 15 16 15.34 16 15.75C16 16.16 15.66 16.5 15.25 16.5C14.84 16.5 14.5 16.16 14.5 15.75C14.5 15.34 14.84 15 15.25 15ZM8.12 11L7 11L7 8L8.12 8L9.5 11ZM12 16L11 13L13 13L13 16ZM9 15L10.4 18L6 18L6 15L9 15ZM18.25 12L17.14 12C16.67 9.75 14.56 8 12 8L12 6.5C12 5.12 10.88 4 9.5 4C8.12 4 7 5.12 7 6.5L7 8C4.45 8 2.33 9.75 1.86 12L1 12L1 16L3 16L3 13.97C3.95 13.26 5.15 12.5 7 12.5L7 11C5.64 11 4.65 11.55 4.19 12.42L3 12.42L3 15L7 15C7 13.64 7.55 12.65 8.42 12.19L8.42 11L4 11L4 7L6 7L6 12L8.97 12L9.45 10.79C10.04 9.25 11.43 8 13 8L13 12L17.75 12C19.1 12 20 12.9 20 14.25C20 14.8 19.8 15.29 19.45 15.68L19.45 18L20.97 18C22.1 18 23 17.1 23 15.97C23 14.97 22.55 14.1 21.78 13.58L21.78 12L20.25 12L20.25 15.25C20.67 15.1 21 14.67 21 14.25C21 13.84 20.67 13.5 20.25 13.5L18.25 13.5C18.03 13.5 17.86 13.64 17.8 13.86C17.75 14.08 17.83 14.32 18 14.47C18.14 14.62 18.36 14.71 18.6 14.64C18.86 14.58 19 14.34 19 14.25L19 13.5L18.25 13.5L18.25 14.25L18.25 13.5L17.75 13.5C17.34 13.5 17 13.84 17 14.25L17 18C16.93 17.93 16.88 17.83 16.88 17.71C16.88 17.58 17.03 17.5 17.22 17.5L18.25 17.5L18.25 15.25C18.45 15.15 18.61 15 18.74 14.82C18.9 14.62 19 14.34 19 14.05C19 13.35 18.46 12.75 17.75 12.75L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12L18.25 12Z"></path>
<p>Order before <strong>12 noon</strong> for <strong>same day dispatch</strong>.</p>
<!-- Trusted by Premier League Goalkeepers -->
<div class="white-icon">
<!-- Replacing PNG with an SVG -->
<img src="https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/lion-with-crown-emerald-gem-vector-icon-illustration_706143-904.jpg?w=740" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>Trusted by Premier League goalkeepers</p>
<!-- EA Sports FC -->
<div class="white-icon">
<!-- Using filter to invert PNG color to white -->
<img src="https://www.theoneglove.com/cdn/shop/t/44/assets/EA-FC_pdp.png?v=178429777584258848011714994453" alt="EA Sports Icon">
<p>As seen in <strong style="color: #00c100;">EA SPORTS FC™</strong>. Wear them in-game <span style="font-size: 18px;">🎮</span></p>